Anak Ibu no 2.
DOB: 01.09.2001
Age @ blogging date: 4 tahun setengah
Tadika Sinaran Bayu, Rawang.
Ambition: "Hafiz nak jadi Mr Bean!!"
Satu pagi di hujung minggu, +/- 1 jam lepas Ibu balik dari pasar.
Hmmm ..... senyap ajer budak Hafiz ni, apa la dia buat agaknya tu?
Ibu (dari dalam rumah): "Hafiz!"
Ibu: "Hafiz! Where are youuuuu?!"
Hafiz (menjerit): "Hafiz kat luar dapur ni...."
Ibu (still dari dalam rumah): "Hafiz buat apa!?"
Ibu (ishh... budak ni...): "Hafiz!!? Buat apa kat luar tu?"
Hafiz: "Hafiz tengah busy ni !"
Uh? Busy? O'oooh.... Not good. Ibu pun terus buka pintu dapur.
Ibu: "HAFIZZZ!!! Buat apa ni?!!!!"
Hafiz (looked up, then jawab dengan selambanya): "Hafiz tengah busy ni?"
Ibu (dah nak tergelak la pulak, tapi maintain muka serius): "Ohhh.... Hafiz masak ke?"
Hafiz: "Hmmm.... ye lah..... ibu kan selalu balik lambat, busy tak sempat masak. Ni Hafiz nak tolong masak la ni."
Ibu(aduhhh! pedih nya!): "Ahh??? Ye ker? Bagusnya anak Ibu."
Lepas tu - ibu terdiam. Blank kejap. Ibu masuk balik ke dapur & capai camera.
Ibu: "Err... nanti Hafiz tutup air tu eh? Jangan membazir. Err... Lepas masak masuk dalam ok?"
Hafiz: "Ha'ah, ok. Tapi ni tengah busy ni, belum habis masak. Ibu jangan kacau. Nanti Hafiz tutup air. "
Hmmm.... Apa nak dikata? Tak terkata apa-apa. Terkedu seketika.
Children - they seldom misquote. In fact they repeat word for word what you shouldn't have said .....
He, he. Tersengih jap baca & terkedu....terasa jugak, wonder what they really feel inside ya? So little time...so very precious. Tq for the story, coz boleh jadi reminder utk I.
Da Vincci Code...let's catch the movie together-gether...(I read yr profile le....one of yr fav books). Rasa macam nak baca again b4 movie out coz ingat2 lupala. Izham never finished it. I couldn't put it down!
Hehe.. He wants to be Mr Bean eh?
What is it with kids and Mr Bean.. My anak buah pun suka jugak. He's only 3 years old but he knows exactly when Mr Bean is on the tele and when he's watching, he'll be 100% absorbed into it. No amount of attemptations can take him away from Mr Bean!
Hafiz shian kat ibu ye....such a sweet boy. I can imagine when he's a little bigger..."ibu busy ye? ibu penat ye? Takpe nanti Hafiz masak....ibu nak apa? Tomyam, ketam lemak cili api, pasta, pizza? You name it, ibu! Hafiz is here to rescue you!"
I say Ieja...
Terharu pun ye.... Nak tergelak pun ye...
I dah laaaaaaaaame sangat tak masak for my kids. Weekdays dok PJ, weekends baru balik SD. Boss tak bagi masak coz' he realized how jam-packed my schedule over the weekdays - so dok tapau memanjang... After reading your posting ni, I rasa I kena masak le jugak weekend ni... Ahaks!!!
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