Who? Ibu, Ayah & Abang Idin
What? Window shopping
Where? One Utama
When? One weekend, about 3 years ago
Why? ermmm.... Why not?
Abang Idin: "Ibu... remote control car la ibu. Abang nak!"
Ibu (sesak nafas tengok price tag) : "Ada duit tak?"
Abang Idin (selamba) : "Pakai duit ibu la!"
Ibu: "Eh! Why my money?"
Abang Idin: "Because you go to work, you got money. I don't work, where got money?"
Ibu: "Ye lah, you playing only. Finish all my money!"
Abang Idin (sengih sambil merengek): "Alah... Tak pelah Ibu."
Mana Ayah hilang ni? Bila tiba time cam ni memang senang jer dia jadi halimunan.
Ibu: " But you already have 3 crates full of toys la Abang!"
Abang Idin: "Yarrr.... and Ibu also got 3 racks full of shoes!"
Ibu (did I? hmm .... ) : "So ...... "
Abang Idin: "And .... 2 mugs full of lipsticks, 2 drawers full of handbags..."
Ibu: "Really?!! Hmmm.... What else do I have?"
Abang Idin: " 1 box penuh dgn brooch. Ntah berapa banyak scarves. Ntah berapa banyak baju sampai kena tumpang kat ayah punya almari. Baju kat bilik bibi lagi. Baju yang dalam beg lagi. Yang kat tailor lagi. Yang hantar dobi lagi. "
Oh wow! I didn't realise I had so many ... assets!
Hehehe.... Oh well, we perempuan must colour coordinate y'know.
Abang Idin (belum sempat ibu jawab dia dah sambung): "So if you can have so many, why can't I have just one more toy? One only..."
Good spin.
I just realised then, Abang Idin had been counting stocks. And doing that for a good, practical & logical reason too. Comparative analysis. Benchmarking. Appeal for internal equity.
Apa ibu nak jawab?
Ibu: "Tu lah Abang! Duit ibu kan ... dah habis dah beli kasut, beli lipstick, beli scarves, beli baju... dan baju... dan baju... "
Abang Idin: " Alahhhhh Ibu!!! " (suara macam dah nak nangis. Security guard dah pandang2, jeling2.
Ibu: "Tunggu Ayah lah! Ayah ada duit lagi kot? Satu pasang kasut, baju sikit jer, takde handbag langsung. Hmmm... mesti Ayah banyak duit lagi."
Abang Idin(dengan nada separa mencabar): "OK ! Mana Ayah?" .
Ayah mana? Ayah dah melilau? Champion! Masa ni la dia jadi hollow man.
The real menace in communicating with a 5-year-old is that
in no time at all
you would begin to sound like a 5 year old.
in no time at all
you would begin to sound like a 5 year old.
He sure DOES have a point... err.... Sara & Adam if they are with me kat shopping mall kan, they all will jerit2 and pull me away from entering kedai baju (Zara!), kedai kasut, kedai costume jewellery / accessories...whatever kedai you name it. Kadang2 tu, dua2 budak2 tu diri depan pintu kedai ala-ala nak buat barricade kat depan tu so that I tak boleh masuk. Geli hati betul. But I can still shop during week days....lunch hour or right after work. So, when they see I bawak balik something, Sara will say " Mummy, you bought a shoe?....but you have so many already...why do you like to buy all the time???" Adam will say (dengan cekak pinggang and mata terbeliak), "YOU WENT SHOPPING....AGAIN???" Sigh....
Ieja, you've an AUDITOR in the making tu. personality wise dah fullfill. tinggal ambik certificate je.
Errrr Ibu...
Walk-in wardrobe kat rumah baru tu make sure cukup to fill in ALL your stuff, okay? Tinggal dalam 2 kaki persegi for Abang Besar cukup kot? LOL!!!
My kids will just find the nearest bench they can sit on - and they (their Ayah, too!) can sometimes sleep while waiting for me...GIVE ME 5!!!!
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