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Saturday, August 11, 2007
The underweight warrior
Thought of updating on Idin's taekwondo tourney this morning but he has beaten me to that.
Come! Let's see what he's got in store - a refreshing perspective from a fin-feather-weight (that must be very light indeed .... unlike his Ibu!!! ) 11 year old's point of view. Here's the link: What Luck! Entry not moderated, pls excuse any punctuation or spelling error. He welcomes any comment and suggestion in his comment box.
To Abang Idin, Congratulations son! Whatever placing you got, you always make me beam with pride with your true fighting and sporting spirit. I find it especially encouraging that you are determined to forge ahead still regardless of you having to miss our regular Saturday family outings in order to attend the practice sessions, that you are not the least bit worried despite being the only one in super duper underweight category amongst your team members and last but not least, that you - being the only surviving malay student in your taekwondo class - continue to focus on improving your techniques and progressing to the next level without succumbing to feeling inferior of being the minority whatsoever.
Pesan ibu untuk Abang Idin - breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out. While you continue to focus on the union of mental and physical discipline to master the skills and techniques, remember this - the body can only achieve what the mind can conceive. It's all in the mind! TAPI jangan lupa pohon doa kepadaNya.
Pesanan umum ibu (1): kalau hendak melentur buluh .....
Pesanan umum ibu (2): reminder - sit up straight, don't slouch!
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assalammualaikum ...
congratulations abang idin!!!
we're so happy for you and you've done very well ...
take care and keep it up!
wassalam ...
Salam Ibu,
Selamat melentur rebungnya.
Bila dah jadi buluh, kena panas2 dahulu, boleh juga dilentur lagi. Jangan putus harapan. InsyaAllah berjaya.
ibu must be so proud of abg idin kan... congrats!
Salam ibu:
Alhamdulillah and tahniah to abang Iddin.Baru baca entry kat blog dia...wah siap bagi tips macamana nak bertakewando. Tok ni take-away boleh le.Kalau silat pulut org kenduri kawin tu boleh le.
wowww...not just that he rocks, he can even fight!
a chic-magnet in the making!
Salam Ibu,
You must be very proud. Congrats to you too.
ibu, congratulations to your Iddin. My son is into silat here and I dare not watch. Yesterday he told me that was sparring with a bigger person and he was thrown across the hall. Aduhhhh!
congrats abang idin... u have got a very proud mom here.... :0)
eh memang it runs in the family ker akak semua orang kecik n comel...?
ibu yg kuat berpesan.. mesti dah penat diaorang dengan ibu dia *berpesan*...ker ibu dia *berleter?* heheh
Hey Ibu,
Ahh...How sweet of you to share about your sons' achivements...I'm sure one day, he will look back and beam that his life is being chronicled by mum...
One day, when (if) I have children of my own, I will happiest if one person will give me those Baby Journals, where I can write away, and keep my baby's first lock of hair, and first tooth...Haha!
As for taekwondo, I sure remember those days...
Until now I have this habit of stretching...Kalau sitting at table belajar, my very bad habit is that I will absent-mindedly put my feet on the table, as time passes, will sometimes lean in until both thighs and chest are touching...Hehe...Stretching lar tu! Hehe...
Let Idin keep at it...Great way to release stress (Nothing beats smashing something!)...Hey, if nothing else, he won't need anger management classes in future!
go go idin!
best ek kicking some arses..hehe
Well done, Abang Idin!
Wah...kecik-kecik cili padi ni...
Errrr, Ibu - don't worry about him being small-sized and all now. I seem to remember "someone" who was very petite, (and "chomot" - Hahaha!) at one time, and now sikit punya menggalah ke...(sikit lagi nak sama tinggi dengan KL Tower...):D
ibu... selamat merdeka...
Well done Iddin. Wow black belt kaler biru pun menang tau. I tak sempat dapat black belt. Sampai brown ajerrrr...tapi jadikla boleh belasah abang sendiri kira oka la tu
Salam Ibu,
You've been tagged. Please visit my blog.
Ramadhan al Mubarak. Selamat berpuasa untuk Ibu dan keluarga.
slmt berpuasa ibu! sudah 5 hari kita umat islam berpuasa....
...just checking!
ai akak.. blog bersarang balikkkkkkkk??
Salam semua and thanks for dropping by and leaving a trace. Ibu baru nak kemas sawang-sawang kat blog ni.... hehe....permisi ya...
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