Salam Ramadhan ....
Lama sungguh tak berblog - memang betul lah like Simah commented - bersawang! What a wonderful hang out place this would be for spiderman!!!!
I really should be writing about Hafiz's attempt at fasting separuh hari this Ramadhan - but for someone whose writing is not a natural flair - that entry would probably take another six weeks to complete - by then dah Raya dah pun. Hampeh!
But hey! Guess what? I found a draft that I forgot to publish ( age is catching up.... ). So this shall be a quickie - cut & paste only. This entry below was written circa ...er.. when?100 BC? Sure felt like it! But hehehh...no lah, first week of August, when I was happily authorised to be off work for about 2 weeks. So remember - this should be read in past tense. But the challenge at the end of the entry has no expiry date. So give it a go, will ya?
I've been off work since Monday this week... oh what a bliss! Though this is not by personal choice that I have to take the week off, the doctor's endorsement that I am not fit to work is somehow working just fine for me. For a change this time I did not itch to log on to office server to check those emails and have not even bothered to check the blackberry either. Those can wait. There are others who deputize me so let them shine and grow.
Lama sungguh tak berblog - memang betul lah like Simah commented - bersawang! What a wonderful hang out place this would be for spiderman!!!!
I really should be writing about Hafiz's attempt at fasting separuh hari this Ramadhan - but for someone whose writing is not a natural flair - that entry would probably take another six weeks to complete - by then dah Raya dah pun. Hampeh!
But hey! Guess what? I found a draft that I forgot to publish ( age is catching up.... ). So this shall be a quickie - cut & paste only. This entry below was written circa ...er.. when?100 BC? Sure felt like it! But hehehh...no lah, first week of August, when I was happily authorised to be off work for about 2 weeks. So remember - this should be read in past tense. But the challenge at the end of the entry has no expiry date. So give it a go, will ya?
I've been off work since Monday this week... oh what a bliss! Though this is not by personal choice that I have to take the week off, the doctor's endorsement that I am not fit to work is somehow working just fine for me. For a change this time I did not itch to log on to office server to check those emails and have not even bothered to check the blackberry either. Those can wait. There are others who deputize me so let them shine and grow.
I don't multitask between work and blogging during working hours for obvious reason - I AM THE LAW at the office, HAHAH ... so must show exemplary conduct la kan? And actually, memang tak sempat pun. Needless to say with one week off, here I am surfing the net, reading online news, catching up on all those outdated emails from my alumni group and blog hopping from one to another. I even switched my yahoo messenger status to "online" today. And voila! ping Aby, a girlfriend from prep days.
It must have been years since I last saw Aby, I think it was during open house at my place 5 years ago at least? Pheww... how time flies! So pot pet pot pet la online sekejap with Aby but since she was at work and I belom mandi pagi ( walhal matahari dah tegak atas kapla), I had to excuse myself la. Nanti mengaco productivity member at workplace, no good la ek? We bid farewell with all the muahhhhsss and exchange of each others' blog address. I have been reading all her entries since then. I mean, since I siap mandi tengahari tadi.
The one Aby wrote about dreams got me thinking to write this entry. Hey.... after all, I've got all the time to laze in front of the screen this week, don't I ?
I don't always recall what I dreamt about. Mostly about me couldn't find where I parked my car or me looking feverishly for a toilet at the mall. I can never fathom what the first one means. The second one quite obviously, would be followed by me dashing to the loo upon waking up.
This morning though, I woke up with a weird dream stuck vividly in my blurry morning vision. I dreamt that I discovered - after a slip of the tounge by my sister - that the 'cute 7 year old god daughter' (there is none in reality) of our family back in JB - was actually a daughter of my darling Ayah - but with another woman!?!#$%*@?!
So to those who have (or don't have) a hidden talent in dreams intepretation and want to have a try at unravelling my subconscious thoughts that have translated into this weird dream, hey.... be my guest! This is an open ended, no right or wrong answer and a non judgmental opportunity for you to sharpen your dreams intepreting skills - ala-ala amateur psychoanalyst made in Msia gitu .... Sila lah!
So to those who have (or don't have) a hidden talent in dreams intepretation and want to have a try at unravelling my subconscious thoughts that have translated into this weird dream, hey.... be my guest! This is an open ended, no right or wrong answer and a non judgmental opportunity for you to sharpen your dreams intepreting skills - ala-ala amateur psychoanalyst made in Msia gitu .... Sila lah!
Salam Ramadan buat IBU and family...:)
i am no dream doctor...so can't really interpret that one...:)
but but i can spin some possibilities.....
perhaps.....IBU nak dapat anak perempuan kut dalam masa terdekat...:)
idham <---trying to remember not to slouch !
Hmmmm...worryingly weird!
But, according to my firasat lah ye, this means that 9 months and 10 days from now, Ameer will get a baby sister...same Ibu, same Ayah... :D
(Oooops! You drafted this in August? So, make it "8 months and 10 days from now"?! Errr...should know by now?)
apa la pelik bebeno mimpi tu, Ibu oi!
mengikut firasat patik, berdasar mimpi tersebut aka negara ini akam mengalami 7 musim kemarau panjang diikuti 7 musim yang baik dan subur... di akhir usim ke tujuh Ayah akan melompats ebab dapat Baby Girl.... ewah Ayah tu sengeh memanjang nampaknya....
Salam ibu:
Selamat pulang memblog.
Tadi Spiderman e-mail saya, marah2 kat ibu kerana dah bersihkan segala sawang2 tempat dia practice lompat.
Tentang mimpi tu: Mungkin nak dapat menantu kot. Tapi Iddin kecik lagi kan?
I am slouching sekarang...letih dan panas kat Jebatville ni. Dah tu para babi-babi dapat extension to stay in Paya Mengkuang.
Haaa... sawang dah clear. Eh, last time we pregnant together-gether, kan? Hmmmmm.... kena kejar cepat-cepat ni.
yay, ibu's back! amid the bad news being written around in most blogs.
so anyway, dreams are weird. i had a similar dream where i wanted to take a dump but couldnt do it only to realise the first thing when i woke up, i had fallen asleep while sitting up-right on my wheelchair. not that i needed to go anyway, as mentioned earlier, dreams are indeed weird. so this aint no stinking story.
hmm...maybe yr maternal instinct tgh nak bagitahu something maybe one more baby?
Salam Ramadhan to Abg Id & family too....
If that is your spin, ameeeeennnn....
Mana tau ek? InsyaAllah... ada 'chan' beli baju pink & barbie toys la. Asyik blues and hotwheels jer so far! haha...
Salam Shana,
If I should know by now, 9 mths 10 days paling minima ... which means elek laaahh!!! I like your firasat of Ameer getting a baby sister.
Masaelah nya, sempat ke b4 'you know when'? Hey... pressure, pressure...
Salam Ayah,
WHAT??? 7 musim kemarau panjang? Alah.... lama sangat lah. I'm not getting any younger you know!
Salam Tok,
Sejak azalinya si Spiderman tu memang suka meloncat-loncat. Bagi chan dia melawat sawang kat tempat lain la pulak. hehe..
InsyaAllah dapat menantu la in the future. Tapi la ni Idin baru 11. Kalau tanya pasal girls (eg ada gf tak? kat kelas, siapa yg lawa, etc, etc), semua dia dok bantai jawab "don't know, and don't want to know..." dgn selambanya sambil mentelaah buku ManU dia tuh!
Para babes tu temporary extension only kan? How temp is temp ya?
Salam KC,
Maybe, maybe... insyaAllah..Ameeeeeenn.
To all those who related the dreams to the possibility of me getting a baby girl, ooohhh...semuga masin la kata-kata you all semua....
baby you dah besar panjang...about time la tu... hehehe
Kerp oh kerp,
sitting up right pun boleh tidur? hmm.. macam baby la... hehe
u n slouching akak! hahahah i bet despite that sweet laughing face of urs u r one hell of a perfectionist! blog entry pun spelling error.. grammar error... very unlike me... selebeh :0)
dreams...that dream tu my interpretation.. *u nak anak pomouan* tu! heheh tell SABA to get moving la akak :0)
still kalau tak ader rezeki pun....u kan ada anak angkat girl turki..n i bet mesti u ada ramai anak sedara pompuan..
take care...:0)
The LAW in the office must be LAW abiding heh? Not necessarily what...
Salam Ibu,
You've been tagged! Ampuuunnnn!!!
Hi Ibu,
This is Aby - calling from planet Holland at this time... will be here till mid-Nov.... so Raya with kids & maid kat sini..
Anyway, firasat mimpi tu, susah sket la. Kalau betul nak dapat baby girl... then ameeeeennnnn....
Keep in touch gal!
Salam Aidilfitri...
bila nak hapdet! hehehe..nak gak tau citer raya u all.....
dah byk kali berkunjung ni....tak de pun jemput masuk dgn kuih muih baru hehhee...
selamat hari raya ibu dan keluarga.
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri & maaf zahir batin!
akak..selamat menyambut hari lebaran.. balik kamoung tak? hero 3 orang tu baju kaler apa tahun ni? tak der gambar ker?
maaf zahir batin dari kami di sini... selamat makan n makan masa raya! take care! :0)
Hi ibu
Here's wishing you Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri.
akak... ramadhan dah abis..syawal dah mai...tarak gambaq ka? ker dok sibuk masak ketupat utk open house?
Hi Ibu,
That's why they say some dreams are better off as dreams...=)
Haha...Sjae nak pop in to say hi only lar...
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