Oh well.... so we were left-minded that time.

No snorkelling, no sun-bathing, no island hopping - laut bergelora & hujan memanjang.
But we had fun, just being with & around each other.
Tangkap butterflies, kejar monitor lizard, kena kejar dengan monitor lizard, watching (not riding) donkeys, layan kucing & berkenalan dengan monyet pulau tioman .....
Since we are not going anywhere this school hols, here are some photos to help us reminisce the not so distant past.

Mat-mat Rempit Junior ....
raiding wave.

Am I too sexy for your camera? "

"Hello kitty... come here kitty...
Let me check your nose."
Let me check your nose."

"Yours is not as much as mine!"
Ummphhhh.....Ameer enjoying his 'nikmat dunia'!
And boys being boys, they just knew how to have fun!
Dear Ibu,
Rain or shine - doesn't matter where we are, as long we are with our loved ones, eh?
But, I must say - it does look pretty sad though - tengok Abang Besar and Abang Kecik-kecik dok 'ayak' (sift?) pasir kat beach tu....LOL!!! Macam 'so-into-it' gitu...Macam highlight of the holiday gitu...LOL!!
Next time we all pakat ramai-ramai dengan Supreme Council to go there again, eh?!
But, make sure not musim tengkujuh ler...Nanti 'ayak' pasir lagi ler pulak kiter...
Take care Ibu!
Shana dear,
That's what you called, "ber-can-da"
di pasiran pantai !
And yes... supreme council must go one trip to the beach together2!
Dear Ibu,
I clicked on you from 3540 Jalan Sudin and I am hooked.
Our predicament is the same - The working mother.
Nice statement you throw on the Tg (doubtful) Adnan.
I have blogrolled without your permission hope you dont mind.
Good day to you SuperMom & fellow blogger
hahaaha ibu..sensor betul gambar ni!!.. ni bila anak anak ibu dah besar ibu mesti tunjuk kat spouses diaorang! hahahah
i dah link kan ur blog to mine.. i hope u wont mind...senang sikit nak hop hop...
the beautiful malaysian beaches... rindunyaaaaaaaaaa
Dear Elviza,
Thanks for rolling by. Permission not necessary. Do drop by again ...
Hi Simah,
mcm tu lah diorang. i was wondering apa hal yg bising sgt dalam bilik air. rupanya si adik2 menyakat abang idin yg tgh buat bisnes! hahaha!!
I wonder how u managed to go to Tioman masa2 tengkujuh, bcoz z I thot the chalets and most of the accommodations are closed.
I can see that u all really had fun...
salam ibu,
eemm Tioman island... I belum sampai lagi.
It's okay walaupun hujan sebab dapat bersama family , tu yang utama .
fun, fun, fun!!!!
we flew there by berjaya air & stayed at berjaya tioman resort. but my sister & family fr JB who were supposed to join us couldn't make it due to the flood, jalan mersing tutup.
dah tak leh ke mana-mana kat pulau tu, so had to make the most out of it lorrr!
bila nak sampai ke tioman? tapi jgn musim tengkujuh ler. then boleh gi snorkeling.
Hello, ibu!
Have nice week
dont know which blog to go but i guess this one speaks for the name itself.
err, monyet2 kat situ friendly tak?
thought of going there with the kids next holiday, insyallah. have a nice day.
salam ibu from anothe ibu :)
found yours from kak ena when she mentioned your blog in one of her entries. terus teringat kat anak2 di rumah. missing them every day :)
mr santos,
iyo... tq. u too, ek?
monyet2 tu terlebih friendly. especially bila tengok ada lagi 3 ekor monyet dari Rawang, hahaha!! actually depa mengecek food (this was at a warung just outside Berjaya).
thanks for visiting. kita para ibu ni, duduk kat ofis memang kadang2 tak senang hati... teringat kat anak2 kan?
:) wonderful ....sungguh bliss nya bila happiness is nothing more than being around each other...
:) baca cerita pasal pak menteri di bawah sana ...i am with u and with all the women bloggers....mungkin pak menteri itu belum cukup celik lagi...
:) i read about 'hafiz nak ibu...' and tears welled up in my eyes too...
have a good day ibu.
Ibu....you should plan another trip to Tioman when you can snorkle...My kids had fun! My boys love playing in the bathroom samapi kecut kulit!
how i wish rizq pun ada sibling untuk main simbah simbah air..!
I love the last photo. One can just sense the euphoric feel of kids from just simple activities. We have a lot to re-learn from kids. I simply adore kids' innocence.
Abg Id,
Thanks for dropping by [sambil hulur triple-layered tissue paper to Abg Id :) ]
Dad of 4,
Hmm, good idea. Problem nya musim tak hujan busy, tak leh cuti :P
Bebudak memang cam tu kan? Nak kata keturunan mermaid tak jugak ....
Mummy Rizq,
Ahaha... bagus tu kalau ada kawan. So what's your next step towards helping rizq ada sibling? :D
Thanks!! Spot on: innocent & carefree.
salam ziarah...
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